Name: Bob Yutzy
Business: Dominion Entertainment
Address: 17005 Gaines Road
Phone: 703-989-1874

When and why did you decide to join this business/nonprofit?
2 weeks ago, networking is key to success

How does your business serve the local community?
Everyone needs entertainment, especially after lockdowns for 2 years.

Please share one of the greatest moments you’ve experienced in your current profession.
Selected by the Discovery Channel to pimp my garage in 2004.

Tell us about your experience with HGBA.
Not much to say here as I am new

What are the top three business tips and tricks can you offer other professionals?
1.Networking, 2. Promptness, 3. Good Service

Are you from this area? If not, what brought you here and what do you like about our town?
Originally from Baltimore, moved to Gainesville in 1989, then to Broad Run in 2004.

What is your favorite season in this area, and why?
Fall, busy with beautiful weddings.

What are some hobbies you enjoy? Playing pool, trips to Charles Town, playing cards

What is your favorite restaurant? Don’t have a favorite

Are you involved with any nonprofits? If so, which one(s) and why? No

What was your first job, or your most interesting job prior to your current profession?
I printed currency for the US Treasury for 18.5 years, retired on July 31, 2021